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Restaurants Nationwide Are Facing Costly Wage & Hour Lawsuits

News Release

Restaurants nationwide are facing costly wage and hour lawsuits for failure to comply with federal and state employment laws.  In these types of cases, employers run the risk of serious financial penalties, whether their actions are due to ignorance or a willful disregard of the law.

Recent examples include allegations of paying below-minimum wage, violating tip pooling rules, and recording only 40 hours on timecards in order to avoid overtime pay. Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense and restaurant owners and managers need to be sure they understand current state and federal employment laws and comply with those requirements or incur what are often stiff penalties.

Information. Training. Protection.

Our HR consultants are experts in the restaurant industry and will provide the training your business needs to be prepared for wage & hour investigations, I-9 audits, and costly lawsuits. Our training programs give you the ability to remain compliant and handle employee complaints. Our clients have direct access to us the moment they need it.

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