Company Audit & Training Support
We work with owners and upper management to identify areas of non-compliance and provide the training content and the forms needed to address these areas of legal and financial exposure. Once a detailed audit is completed, a SWOT report (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) will be provided. A review will be done virtually to discuss any non-compliant circumstances. All forms and training materials will be created and customized to your company and available to you on your company page through our website portal.
Management Training
We work directly with your general manager, managers, chefs, sous chefs, and office employees. We train and develop your team through comprehensive online resources, video classes, virtual training, material review, and live conversations. Each manager will complete a series of online quizzes with the ability to reach out with any questions. Once all levels of training are completed, they will be given a proctored exam to earn their certificate of completion while we keep owners informed of their progress.
HR Staff Training & Development
The program is designed to develop an employee into a person relied upon within the company to understand and execute all levels of training and HR responsibilities, whether that’s a trusted employee, family member or experienced HR Professional. This includes all of our compliance training, plus benefits administration, risk management, and organizational development programs.
Service Details
Company Audit & Training Support
Management Training
HR Staff Training & Development
Payroll Process Review
Proper Time Edits
Overtime For Tip Credit Employees
Allowable Deductions
Multiple Rate Overtime
Multiple Location Overtime
Tipped Wage Workers Laws
Required Employee Notification
Valid Tip Pooling
Tip Pooling Distribution Sheets
Satisfying Minimum Wage
80 / 20 Rule
Tip Producing / Tip Supporting Rules
Service of Alcohol Certifications
Wage & Hour Compliance
Working Minors
Posters & Required Notifications
Paid Sick Leave
Federal FMLA & State Paid FML
Required Break / Meal Periods
Exempt / Non-Exempt Classification
Salary & Duties Test
Particular Weight Test
Concurrent Duties Test
Hostile Work Environment
Sexual Harassment Claims
Discrimination Claims
Retaliation Claims
Proper Response to a Complaint
Proper Investigation
Proper Documentation
Sexual Harassment Training for Leadership
State Sexual Harassment Requirements
Onboarding Paperwork
I-9 Compliance
Notice of Job Offer Form
Required Employee Notification Forms
Employee Handbooks – Restaurant Specific
Management Handbook
Management Certification Course
Course By Course Training
Quiz Completion
Virtual Training Classes
Direct Line to HRCD Consultants
Course Recap & Final Exam Preparation
Proctored Final Exam
Award Certificate of Completion
Conflict Management
Lawful Just-Cause Terminations
Employee Complaints
Employee Documentation
Pin Forms – Performance Improvement Notice
Handling Public Policy Situations
Workers Comp
Unemployment Claims
ADA – Interactive Process
Paid / Unpaid / Protected / Unprotected Leave
Employee Relations
Becoming a Trusted Resource for Employee
Understanding Just Cause Termination
The Process of Vetting Termination
Understanding Employee Workplace Rights
Performance Management
Creation of a Management Review Process
Salary Compensation Scale
Process for Management Salary Increases
Turnover Report – Restaurant Specific
Benefits Administration
Collaborate on Design of Health Plan (Health, Dental & Vision)
Conduct Open Enrollments
Enroll New Hires As Per Plan Design
Execute Obamacare ESR Regulations
Complete Yearly 1095C & 1094C Reports
Life Insurance
Short / Long Term Disability
Efficient Open Enrollments
Section 125 Compliance
Risk Management - Workers Comp
Processing First Report of Injury
Point of Contact for Insurance Co. Rep
Minimizing “Lost Time” Incidents
Reviewing Loss Runs Reports to Lower Premiums
Direct Contact with Injured Employee
Proper Due Diligence for Better Rate
Review Employee Classifications for Accuracy